Talk:PCB Heatbed

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Revision as of 12:27, 12 September 2011 by Skyfanatic (talk | contribs)
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More dimension data would indeed be most welcome! I need to prepare a support for one of these (not yet received) What is the exact distance between the holes? I have read 21 cm, but found no "official" confirmation. Thank you for any hints,

Lanthan 03.08.2011

Answering my own question: checked on the PCB eagle file posted to Thingiverse, the holes are spaced 209 mm

Lanthan 04.08.2011

I was not sure if to add the MK2 board to this page or start a new Wiki page for the board. in the end I redirected PCB_Heatbed_MK2 to this one and added the MK2 stuff here. They are minor changes but add up to a board that looks better upside down and is easier to mount connections, LEDs and a thermocouple to.

Skyfanatic 12.09.2011