Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Libre Software and Hardware Engineer and advocate, trained as a Software Engineer at Imperial College, loves doing electronics, 3D printing, embedded firmware, PCB designs. Guardian and creator of the EOMA68 Standard. Owns over 600 sci-fi and fantasy books, works on-and-off on the Extended Rishon Model over the past 35 years, plays the 6-hole whistle, the bodhrain, and occasionally writes poetry.
Current Hardware Projects
- EOMA68 Libre Laptop
- EOMA68 Micro-Desktop
- EOMA68-A20 Computer Card
- STL47o (low-cost Arduino-Due-compatible board which uses the 80mhz STM32L471)
- RD3D/1.0 3D-Printer board with 6 polulu steppers that can plug into either an Arduino Mega or a Due.
- Riki200 2020 frame 3D printer, designed to be fast (or super-accurate... just not both at the same time), flexible, and low-cost.