Talk:RepRap Breeder

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SpaceX's build log

072010 I finished a marathon print of Mini Mendel to get my starting point. I uploaded my bare minimum build plates to thingiverse

072210 Assembled the outside frame, found the vertical frame vertex to be too fragile for how ruff I treat parts, and too short for my usuage.

072610 Uploaded what will likely be the Brutis foot vertexes. Had to raise the footprint to get NEMA17 off the table . Next to finish the Y axis drive and idler.

081810 Eureka! Move Mini Mendel to M8. I can then steal the simplified Z axis and motor mount from Vik, easily maintain the easy 5/16=M8, m4/#8 conversion, and only have to redesign the parts I choose to. Use Brass Bushings like The Mantis 9.1, but use them only as the 360 portion of the build, use 608 bearings in the same configuration as the Foton_3Dprinter. Use RP parts for only bearing and Bushing integration, have both trolleys be based off a sheet of HDPE. Go to a non tensioner Z axis belt configuration like Vik's Kiwi. That could possible get the RP part count down to as low as 22, and the 608 bearing count to sub 20. Would be more Thick sheet intensive, but if I keep all parts simple enough to be made with hand saw and drill it would not cause a net cost increase.  :)