Talk:RepRapPro Tricolour commissioning
I bought my kit from RepRapPro, figured they wrote the instructions I plan to follow I should purchase the kit from them. I have not changed on this opinion. Is has not been a painless process though. I wasted several days until I decided to upgrade my firmware.
I ordered my RepRapPro Mendle Mono around December 11th and received it on January 14th, I understand I may have gotten caught up in the holiday rush and some changes in packaging that made some of my parts Mendel and others Mendel2, such as (// Rapid 61-0446 ; Semitec 103GT-2 All Mendels and Thermistors shipped after 1/4/13 as documented in firmware). that initially had my bed temps reading incorrectly, after fixing temps via pronterface, I still could not get the heated bed to turn on.
==>The short of this feedback is that an earlier suggestion to update the firmware or to add the firmware revision information (using same nomenclature as firmware programming)would of saved me three days of troubleshooting.
Info on my Mendel and its current config.
PCB refers to my board as RepRap Melzi v2.0, Sticker on back "Mono Mendel Revision:2013-05-16"
Marlin firmware version VERSION_STRING "1.0.1 RRP" downloaded from link in
Ardino IDE refers to board as Melzi 1284p 16mhz
Marlin Firmware refers to my model as REPRAPPRO_MENDEL2 //Tricolour and Mono; controller REPRAPPRO_MELZI; resistor SERIAL_R 4700.
The firmware was made the experience night and day. To prevent collisions with Clips holding glass and clamps on z-motor I made the following changes: M206 X-40 Y-19 Z0 M208 X206 Y170 Z135 //could of prevented collision by adjusting x instead.