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Mendel building

Torsti, the Helsinki Hacklab bot, is mostly working:

Another mendel, named mengele is in the works:

We have

  • We have the plastic parts
  • Fasteners, but not everything needed
  • Two bearing sets
  • One old set of electronics tied to a WIP cnc. Would prefer to get new kits instead of using these
  • Some smooth bar from printers etc. but need more. Especially >495mm 8mm thick
  • Some studding
  • One set of electronics, motors and belts have been ordered



We'll hold building sprints at the Hacklab meetings on some thursdays at least.

Geek Groups Meetups


Official RepRap Suppliers

Local Suppliers

Local Shops may be better or worse than buying from online retailers. This depends on your local shops and what you're getting. Stepper motors you'll want to get online, steel rod - perhaps not. Fasteners, it depends. You may want to check your yellow pages to look these up, as opposed to online.

A preliminary list of useful hardware shops:

  • Local Steel Suppliers (e.g. Construction suppliers)
  • Local Bearing Suppliers (Skateboard Shop)
  • Local Fastener Suppliers
  • Local Electronics Suppliers

  • Local Machine Tool/Industrial Supply, (Occasionally unwelcome to hobbyists, but who knows?)
  • Local Electronics Surplus Shop

You may want to check:

  • Local Jeweler's Supply Shop

(For all those tiny drill bits for the nozzles.)


From template:



RepRap Map link.


7pm Tuesday every other week, starting with the second Tuesday in January.

Official Mailing List and Forum

The forum is the official mailing list!

Nearest Neighboring RepRap User Groups

Nearby Robot Hobby Clubs

  • local First Robotics Competition
  • local RoboOne and Robot hobby group.