Perfect T-Slot Bot

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This page is a development stub. Please enhance this page by adding information, cad files, nice big images, and well structured data!

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Very Messy Example and Columbus 
--Sebastien Bailard 07:23, 10 September 2010 (UTC)
Crystal Clear action run.png
Perfect T-Slot Bot

Release status: unknown

No image available.png
T-Slot Bot
CAD Models
External Link


I wouldn't mind building a t-slot machine for your wiki. A 16 x 24" machine foot print will likely limit the build area to 12" x 18" at most, or do you mean a machine that can build 16 x 24"?

Linear Guides

I'd like to use metal rods as linear guides rather than THKs, since custom THD rails can run quite a bit costly. Can you suggest a reputable linear rod dealer that can cut the rods to custom lengths?

Motion Control

How about timing belts on all the axis? Is that possible? I don't see any belt drives on the z axis.

Working Notes, Please Log In and Edit

I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for for the wiki, or how to do a wiki.

Parts List

Build Instructions