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Very Messy Example and Columbus 
--Sebastien Bailard 07:23, 10 September 2010 (UTC)
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CAD Models
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Your-File-Name SOLID MODEL ASSEMBLY These are CAD files for the Solid Model Assembly .xml.zip, .stl.zip --Example User 12:00, Today's Date 20xx (UTC)
Your-File-Name CAD FILES FOR PARTS These are CAD files for each part. .xml.zip, .stl.zip --Example User 12:00, Today's Date 20xx (UTC)
Your-File-Name EVEN MORE FILES These are are even more files. .xml.zip, .stl.zip --Example User 12:00, Today's Date 20xx (UTC)|-
Your-File-Name SOLID MODEL ASSEMBLY This is the final finished machine N/A --Example User 12:00, Tomorrow's Date, 20xx (UTC)
Please edit this and click the links to put in your own files! --Sebastien Bailard 08:34, 10 September 2010 (UTC) 

Bill of Materials/Parts List


The logfab is a fabricator to make long, thin objects. A typical logfab can make objects fifteen units long, one unit wide and two units high.


The logfab is ideal for making the parts for large structures. Since the parts are extruded, they can be fabricated with pegs and holes, so that they can be quickly bolted together.

The reason to make a long thin fabricator instead of a large square extruder is so that the moving mass of the y table is reduced, which leads to a higher acceleration and therefore a build roughly 1.4 times faster. Also, a long thin fabricator has roughly one third of the mass of a square extruder of the same length. So for a given amount of materials, you could have three long thin fabricators, each of which would build 1.4 times faster, giving a 3 * 1.4 = 4.2 ~ 4 times higher throughput.



Linear bearings will be used to minimize side to side play.


The best production techniques will be used for each type of component. This will probably lead to using an extruder to make the linear bearing cage and gears, using a CNC cutter to make the structural components, and using a mix of techniques for the remaining parts.


Rack and pinion or linear stepper motors will be used to minimize backlash.


Desk Class

The desk class models have a bed width of 6 cm and a working height of 12 cm.

The prototype for the desk class has a bed length of 15 cm. The largest version of the desk class has a bed length of 90 cm, which is enough to make desks, chairs and other objects of similar size.

Sofa Class

The sofa class models have a bed width of 14 cm and a working height of 28 cm.

The prototype for the sofa class has a bed length of 35 cm. The largest version of the sofa class has a bed length of 210 cm, which is enough to make sofas, clubhouses for children, small kayaks and other objects of similar size.

Boat Class

The boat class models have a bed width of 20 cm and a working height of 40 cm.

The prototype for the boat class has a bed length of 50 cm. The largest version of the boat class has a bed length of 300 cm, which is enough to make 12 m x 3 m sailboats, sheds and other objects of similar size.




Rack and pinion parametric script. Linear bearing cage parametric script.


2011 Winter and Spring

Pegged brick parametric script. Rotary stepper motor parametric script. Linear stepper motor parametric script.

2011 Summer

Test linear bearings. Test rack and pinion drives and linear stepper motor drives. Log fab parametric script. Make prototype desk class logfab.

2011 Fall

Make stretched version of desk class logfab.

2012 Winter

Set up democratic coop to sell fabricators.

2012 Spring

Sell versions of desk class logfab.

2012 Summer

Make prototype sofa class logfab.

2013 Summer

Make prototype boat class logfab.

2014 Summer

Go sailing.