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Time to start writing down some of my ideas. Just me in this project.

I shall use this page to gather a fraction of my ideas, those concerning the building of my coming engine of creation, so that I may one day fulfill my dream of being able to make whatever invention may come to mind, and those are many.

My project started out, after spending my life as a wannabe inventor, as a waking-dream of creating a machine which would enable me to create any-and-all invention I could possibly dream of, and thus making humanity depend on themselves, and science for entertainment and excitement, as opposed to commercialism which we do today. I dislike shopping malls. The project will entail, if possible, an Android capable of constructing objects out of most of the materials found in mass production today, making shops obsolete, except food. This is a huge goal! Too big in fact, but I aim high so I do not run the risk of not exploiting my full potential, and I recommend others to follow my lead on this. Just look at Adrian Bowyer, now the founder of this great community! Dream big, make it big!

Outline of project:

MAGDA is the name I have given my machine. It is a girls name, and she will look like one. With lasers in her boobs! Awesome. When you see it, you'll shit bricks. MAGDA is an abbreviation for Metal And Granule Deposition Android. She will (hopefully) be able to create carbon fiber, fiberglass, aluminium, organic plastic and high temperature plastic in various colors with the help of her hands. With them she will weave fibers of either material in a construction ideal to the purpose suited to the component. Body of machine will look humanoid. I have a lot of sketches, drawings, parts and outlines for MAGDA laying around, but I do not have a scanner for 2D drawings, so I will wait with adding this until I have more completed parts of her ready.

Characteristics of printing modules:

Her hands will have the following characteristics:

Right hand thumb: Accurate laser distance reading module)

Right hand point finger: blue plastic (undetermined type)

Right hand middle finger: red plastic (undetermined type)

Right hand ring finger: yellow plastic (undetermined type)

Right hand pinky finger: Aluminium/tin deposition

Left hand thumb: Accurate laser positioning module

Left hand point finger: Carbon fiber

Left hand middle finger:Carbon fiber

Left hand ring finger: Fiberglass

Left hand pinky finger:Fiberglass

All fingers are meant to be able to grip objects in addition to their various extruding capabilities.

Left breast: Camera for 3D model capture of objects

Right breast: Line laser module (on the way by Hong Kong Post(laser not breast)) for creating lines on objects for 3D capture.

Developing methods:

Common Rail Deposition:

One of the ideas I am working with is a method of deposition which is by my knowledge new in the 3D printing industry/open-source community; Common Rail Deposition. This is essentially a system of pipes which are pressurized with the material I want to deposit, and let out in accurately measured amounts by means of a solenoid valve or similar, through flexible couplings to reach her fingers.


Optimal strength of fiber-based materials is achieved through weaving materials before-hand, and assembling sheets of material with bonding agents to make a solid structure. With MAGDA I can take this to an industry level, custom-weaving objects of any shape to suit the application for which it is intended. One could employ this method, through enough accuracy, to make crystalline structures capable of a strength superior to any economically accessible to most of earths population today.

3D-Circuit boards:

I am very near a method to fix the one problem that plagues dense circuit construction today; heat! I plan to employ some sort of fluid, perhaps something like difluoromethane (CH2F2, called R-32) and pentafluoroethane (CHF2CF3), which is a substance used in heat-pumps and freezers to carry heat through a process of circulation through condensing and evaporating in two different enviroments, thus carrying away heat, and in combination are called R410a, a gas with a low global warming potential, and a ozone depletion potential of 0. Fluid runs in to the direction to the component with the least heat buildup, that is a cooling element, such as cooling fins. This is a very very basic explanation of the system I intent to employ, but it explains how I intend to solve the problem at hand. Heat is carried away by liquid evaporated BY the heat generated by the components themselves (thus taking up heat energy and cooling the component), then drawn toward a cooler part of the piping system regardless of gravity, and condensed there through means of construction based cooling (spirals and ducts leading outwards with thin walls to allow heat energy to escape, perhaps to materials with a high potention for distributing this heat energy), or simply fans and cooling fins. This can be accomplished by creating the circuit and its heat-carrying capacity in one single CAD drawing, with each part labeled with which material to be printed in, then sent to MAGDA for development and manufacturing.


I want MAGDA to be an example of recycling, so I would want to make her able to recycle at least all the materials she is able to print with. She is to be equipped with (if budget allows) systems able to churn up aluminum, tin, plastic, and preferably more materials for resale, and further systems in connection with these, or accessible through her hands to grip, lift and place.


Currently studying, so I'm low on cash, but I am working every weekend to make this project possible, and hope to see it completed in less than 20 years. I will be completing an education which entitles me to use a nice title and get a high salary, and my project will accelerate as much as the time I can afford to put into it.