Faden Alu Box

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This page is a development stub. Please enhance this page by adding information, cad files, nice big images, and well structured data!

These are good resources for creating wtki pages.
Very Messy Example and Columbus 
--Sebastien Bailard 07:23, 10 September 2010 (UTC)
Crystal Clear action run.png
Faden Alu Box

Release status: unknown

No image available.png
documenting a generic tool/artpiece
CAD Models
External Link

This is 600 pixels wide, and on the left.
I hope Faden Alu Box is a good working name / code name?
I thought of Strich und Faden AluBox, but that is too much work to type.
--Sebastien Bailard 00:26, 12 January 2011 (UTC)

Files (Coming Soon!!!)

Your-File-Name SOLID MODEL ASSEMBLY These are CAD files for the Solid Model Assembly .xml.zip, .stl.zip --Example User 12:00, Today's Date 20xx (UTC)
Your-File-Name CAD FILES FOR PARTS These are CAD files for each part. .xml.zip, .stl.zip --Example User 12:00, Today's Date 20xx (UTC)
Your-File-Name EVEN MORE FILES These are are even more files. .xml.zip, .stl.zip --Example User 12:00, Today's Date 20xx (UTC)|-
Your-File-Name SOLID MODEL ASSEMBLY This is the final finished machine N/A --Example User 12:00, Tomorrow's Date, 20xx (UTC)
Please edit this and click the links to put in your own files! --Sebastien Bailard 08:34, 10 September 2010 (UTC) 

Another photo

Click the red link to upload a file. :D  --Sebastien Bailard 20:09, 12 January 2011 (UTC)

We are new on this wiki and what to make first a short presentation of us an our development. We are a team of two guys from Bavaria in Germany. Since 6 months we´re working on a very precisely Aluminium-Version of the CupCake. Further we are developing a granulates-extruder and today we had our first success extruding a long string with granulate as base-material (see pictures). If you are interested in further informations be patience we will continue the bulletin.

Bill of Materials/Parts List

More Examples