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Building Firmware under Cygwin


Cygwin should be installed with at least the following packages:

  • wget
  • gcc
  • g++
  • make
  • subversion
  • unzip

Build Process

These are temporary instructions for building the reprap firmware under cygwgin.

  • Run cygwin
  • Choose a location to build the source. For now it should be somewhere without spaces in the path. /usr/src is a reasonable place to do this for now. From the windows filesystem point of view, this will typically be C:\cygwin\usr\src
  • Issue the following commands
  • The output .hex files will be stored in subdirectories of C:\cygwin\usr\src\reprap\firmware\build\16f628

After changes to source code, subsequent builds can be executed by just re-running the make command.

If re-entering cygwin, to re-build you will first need to issue the following commands:

  • cd /usr/src/reprap/firmware
  • PATH=${PATH}:`pwd`/sdcc/bin

Then the make command can be executed as necessary.

Updating code to get the latest version

  • cd /usr/src/reprap/firmware
  • svn update devices

-- Main.SimonMcAuliffe - 19 May 2006