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How to Edit The Wiki?

Log in, create a new page if you need one or Click "edit" on an old page. Edit. (Refcard & cheatsheet). Click "Show Preview". Revise if you like. Click "Save Page".

Edit, upload, or create a new Robot, Bath Salts Recipe, Sculpture, or RepStrap, page first, then ask for permission later, if at all. Feel free to ask for help putting it in the right place, after it is up, because we're here to help, and we're here to teach, and we're happiest when you realize you can edit the wiki!

Q: Should this be in the wiki? I don't know if it's appropriate.
A: Yes. (please). Upload, edit, create a page. And then ask for permission, if you want permission. Also, we have a lovely policy document if you want to know how we run this site. Or why. Because we're very serious about that. And that's what this page is really for, is Policy. Because most people don't read policy documents until there is trouble. And by then, it may be too late.
A2: See our extensive help.

Q2: Can I edit the Policy? This is a wiki, right?
A: Well, we are passionate about archiving for posterity for compassionate and ethical reasons and because RepRap is fun. So you can. But you better read the thing first. And think about it. Very carefully. Because we take this stuff very seriously, and 'patrol' this page. And we don't play games with Policy. The best place to discuss and contribute to Policy is in Library Administration, Announcements, and Policy, rather than trying to play games on a wiki where we don't play games. That's why this page is patrolled.

End of lecture. Happy Uploading and Wiki-Editing and Welcome to RepRap!

Policy (Void until rewritten, signed off on, and people agree on this)

Generic Ethical Guidelines

Generally our actions should be informed by compassion and respect for our fellow RepRap users and our fellow RepRap developers, along with an appreciation of humanity in the world at large. RepRap is poised to change the world, and we must take these matters seriously. Also, we should be nice and play fairly with each other. To some extent, this is the spirit of the GPL and general open source principles.

Parts are more important than text

(Still in draft)

More specifically, we have a RepRap Social Contract.

I'm doing an utter rewrite, but other people can and should contribute as well on these matters. --Sebastien Bailard 02:20, 25 January 2010 (UTC)