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Release status: working
Description | Web interface for 3D printer
License | GNU AFFERO v3
Author | |
Contributors | |
Based-on | [[]]
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CAD Models | |
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OctoPrint ist ein open source web-basierter Host für RepRap Drucker. Er bietet ein Webinterface zum Hochladen und drucken von g-code Dateien. Detaillierte Information ist unter: oder
As I had to play around several hours to get mine to work the first time and I had to set it up again, here is what I did the second time. Please note, that the provided downloadlinks are for windows users (except for the OctoPi image of course). Mac users might have to google how to get the image onto you RasPi and how to connect to your RasPi via SSH. I must admit, I don't really know what I did, as I am not an expert when it comes to using Linux or Commandline, but I thought, you might be neither and perhaps it saves you a few hours of reading into it.
- Raspberry Pi (or Beaglebone Black)
- SD-Card (it should be fast, so go for a Class 10)
- Octopi Image (
- USB-Power supply for your Raspi(5V 2A should be good)
- SD-Ramps + SD-Card (or similar like Full Graphic Smart Controller, etc; at least mine didn't work well without SD support for RAMPS)
- Ethernet cable from your router to you Raspberry Pi
- active USB-Hub
- Wifi (Edimax; first I had another one, but didn't get it working reliably)
- Webcam (
- Relay-Board for switching you printer/light/whatever with your Raspberry Pi (
0. Setup your printer's firmware for SD-Ramps (or whatever you want to use)
0.1. Download Octopi Image (
0.2. Download and install Win32DiskImager ( and PuTTY (
1. Format your SD-Card to FAT32
1.1. In case your SD card was previously used in a Raspberry Pi and the size of your card seems to be reduced (mine was only 75MB instead of 32GB) follow the instruction from zekonja here:
2. Start Win32DiskImager and select your OctoPi Image and your SD-Card. Hit write and wait (mine took about 6 minutes)
3. Put the SD-Card into your Raspberry Pi, connect you ethernet cable and power it. Wait a couple of minutes for it to boot.
4. Look into your router to know which local IP your Raspberry Pi has (my router is at and my status-tab told me octopi is at
5. Enter this IP into your browser, connect your printer and you are ready to go. If you want to setup for wifi you can follow the next steps.
6. To enable wifi, plug in your wifi stick, open PuTTY, enter the IP and select SSH (uses port 23). Connect and log in with username "pi" and password "raspberry".
7. I followed this guide to get my wifi working: ( it's german, but I'm sure you can translate it using one of the common online translaters but be sure to check if those translaters changed any of the codeboxes and use the ones in provided in the german description)
8. Check again if your IP changed due to wifi connection and browse to this IP (my new IP is
9. Connect your webcam and additional stuff and have fun!
Furthermore I noticed that uploading a G-Code file to your SD-Ramps (not onto the RasPi) can take incredibly long, and it might be faster to pull your SD-Card from the SD-Ramps and save the files onto it directly on your computer.
- Wiki:
- OctoControl for iOS:
- OctoDroid for Android:
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