ProtoBots is a RepRap based robotic fighting game originally conceved by Spacexula of Fablocker Hackerspace and hardik of Charlotte Hackerspace.
4foot x 4foot with a net over the top made of at least 1/2 inch plywood, floor must be smooth.
Robot requirements:
The bots must all be powered by a 6 cell Lipo battery provided by all teams playing. You draw your battery at random before each fight
The robot can be no more than 300mm x 300mm x 300mm. At least 60% of it's mass much be RP Parts (any material that was printed on a reprap is allowed)
You are only allowed to purchase $100 worth of items to produce the bot. receipts must be presented to the satisfaction of the judges before the fight.
Open Source:
The day before the fight your design must be uploaded to the RepRap wiki or to Thingiverse, giving a full BOM, and all STL used in the bot.