information about AVR
Possible programmer
Serial with a bootloader
FTDI products :
Note FTDI bitbanging is not well supported with avrdude under linux
TODO ftbb :
- ftdi_usb_open: device not foundSegmentation fault
- port to 5.5 ( API has changed since 5.1 )
- find good solution to run it as user
- test arduino configuration
Warning : standard atmega has no jtag.
- AVR Dragon low cost JTAG/ICSP ( 50 $ ) , see :
- AVR JTAG ICE clone , kits start at 15 € , a good choice for DIY guy.
- low cost parallels jtag ( 5$ ) , slow but cheap ( for occasional needs as bootloader flashing ).
Of course, JTAG interface is not useful for user who don't need bootloader flashing and embedded software developing
- [1] use ftdi on arduino board to emulate an ISP programmer
- USBtinyISP AVR Programmer Kit
- USBprog - An open source all purpose tool (AVR ISP, ARM7/ARM9, AT89,JTAG, RS232, IO) seems to be a killer product but users reports a lack of quality software and no answer on patch submits