RaftSize = 1.330000043; RaftBaseLayerCount = 1; RaftMaterialPrDistanceRatio = 1.700000048; RaftRotation = 90.0; RaftBaseDistance = 2.5; RaftBaseThickness = 190.0; RaftBaseTemperature = 1.100000024; RaftInterfaceLayerCount = 2; RaftInterfaceMaterialPrDistanceRatio = 1.0; RaftRotationPrLayer = 90.0; RaftInterfaceDistance = 2.0; RaftInterfaceThickness = 2.0; RaftInterfaceTemperature = 1.0; GCodeStartText = "; GCode generated by RepSnapper by Kulitorum\nG21 ;metric is good!\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nT0 ;select new extruder\nG28 ;go home\nG92 E0 ;set extruder home\nM104 S200.0 ;set temperature to 200.0\nG1 X20 Y20 F500 ;Move away from 0.0, so we use the same reset (in the layer code) for each layer\n\n"; GCodeLayerText = ""; GCodeEndText = "G1 X0 Y0 F2000.0 ;feed for start of next move\nM104 S0.0 ;Heater off\n"; msPortName = "/dev/ttyUSB0"; ValidateConnection = 1; CustomButtonGcode = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]; CustomButtonLabel = [ "Custom button1", "Custom button2", "Custom button3", "Custom button4", "Custom button5", "Custom button6", "Custom button7", "Custom button8", "Custom button9", "Custom button10", "Custom button11", "Custom button12", "Custom button13", "Custom button14", "Custom button15", "Custom button16", "Custom button17", "Custom button18", "Custom button19", "Custom button20" ]; miSerialSpeed = 19200; GCodeDrawStart = 0.0; GCodeDrawEnd = 1.0; ShellOnly = false; ShellCount = 2; MinPrintSpeedXY = 2300.0; MaxPrintSpeedXY = 2300.0; MinPrintSpeedZ = 110.0; MaxPrintSpeedZ = 130.0; DistanceToReachFullSpeed = 3.0; extrusionFactor = 1.0; EnableAcceleration = true; UseIncrementalEcode = true; Use3DGcode = false; EnableAntiooze = true; AntioozeDistance = 0.0; AntioozeSpeed = 1000.0; FileLogginEnabled = true; TempReadingEnabled = true; ClearLogfilesWhenPrintStarts = true; mfVolumeX = 200.0; mfVolumeY = 200.0; mfVolumeZ = 140.0; PrintMarginX = 10.0; PrintMarginY = 10.0; PrintMarginZ = 0.0; ExtrudedMaterialWidth = 0.6200000048; LayerThickness = 0.400000006; InfillDistance = 2.0; InfillRotation = 45.0; InfillRotationPrLayer = 60.0; AltInfillDistance = 0.5; AltInfillLayersText = "0,1,-1,-2"; PolygonOpasity = 0.5; CuttingPlaneValue = 0.5; Examine = 0.5; DisplayEndpoints = false; DisplayNormals = false; DisplayWireframe = false; DisplayWireframeShaded = true; DisplayPolygons = true; DisplayAllLayers = false; DisplayinFill = true; DisplayDebuginFill = false; DisplayDebug = false; DisplayCuttingPlane = false; DrawVertexNumbers = false; DrawLineNumbers = false; PolygonVal = 0.5; PolygonSat = 1.0; PolygonHue = 0.5399999619; WireframeVal = 1.0; WireframeSat = 1.0; WireframeHue = 0.07999998331; NormalsSat = 1.0; NormalsVal = 1.0; NormalsHue = 0.2300000042; EndpointsSat = 1.0; EndpointsVal = 1.0; EndpointsHue = 0.4499999881; GCodeExtrudeHue = 0.1800000072; GCodeExtrudeSat = 1.0; GCodeExtrudeVal = 1.0; GCodeMoveHue = 1.0; GCodeMoveSat = 0.9499999881; GCodeMoveVal = 1.0; Highlight = 0.6999999881; NormalsLength = 10.0; EndPointSize = 8.0; TempUpdateSpeed = 2.900000095; DisplayGCode = true; LuminanceShowsSpeed = false; RaftEnable = false; ApronEnable = false; ApronPreview = true; ApronSize = 1.330000043; ApronHeight = 7.0; ApronCoverageX = 60.0; ApronCoverageY = 60.0; ApronDistanceToObject = 0.5; ApronInfillDistance = 2.0; ShrinkFast = false; ShrinkLogick = true; Optimization = 0.05000000075; ReceivingBufferSize = 4; STLPath = "/media/E018-9E88/RepRap/Hybrid Parts"; RFOPath = ""; GCodePath = "/media/E018-9E88/RepRap/Hybrid Parts"; SettingsPath = "/media/E018-9E88/huxleyjantest";